Is it Worth it? 

Is the blood, cuts, scars and even maybe one day death worth it? all it does is stop the pain for a few minutes...its just like drugs or drinking it only stops it for a little bit and then your craving it all over again, maybe an hour later maybe even a few minute laters..... 


blade, bandage, bliss,

shiny silver blade,

slit my little wrist,

for i am craving,

that sharp, sweet kiss,

im sick of the people,

giving me shit,

this glass in my hand,

into my wrist it has bit,

boyfriends are losers,

friends can lie,

life would be easier,

if i could just die,

who knew this piece of metal,

could do this much damage,

so no one can see it,

ill hide it with a bandage,

ill put on a show,

for as long as you ask,

but no one knows,

whats under this mask,

you may think you know me,

and maybe you do,

but its better that you dont,

for it'll kill you,

yes it's true,

so go back to your friends,

at least their still sane,

i'll just sit here and wallow in my blood....

 There is one thing in life i can promise, and that is self injury is never worth the risk of your's way to easy to slip up and cut the wrong spot or to feels good to be 5 days clean...and yes 5 days may not be crap to any of you, but it's something to me, my family and my friends!

Mirror, Mirror, on the floor.
I had to kill you, I couldn’t take anymore.
Why is it that whenever I looked at you,
You showed me a picture that wasn’t very true.
That person you showed, that wasn’t really me.
She looked nothing like me so it couldn’t be.
Her eyes were completely bloodshot.
Her skin looked like it had started to rot.
Cheekbones seemed to really stick out.
That wasn’t me, I have no doubt.
She smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes.
Behind that crooked grin were so many lies.
I looked in her eyes and she looked right back.
What I saw there almost gave me a heart attack.
I swear I saw a demon, that’s what it looked like.
That’s when I decided to strike.
I pulled my arm back and went for the demon’s face.
My heart started to beat and it started to race.
My fist connected and you decided to break.
I’m really sorry, Mirror, I realize I made a mistake.
Now you’re in pieces and my wall has been stained.
Why did I do that? I cannot explain.
That girl in the mirror wasn’t a demon’s infection.
It was actually my own reflection.

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