My Best Friend's Tina and Annette wrote:

Self-injury just doesn't affect the person doing it, but also affects their family and friends as well. You don't like to see them hurt themselves, but you feel powerless to do anything to make them stop. You want to do everything possible to help them, to make them understand that what they're doing to themselves is dangerous. It breaks your heart to see them do it and not be able to do anything to stop it.



when you hurt yourself, you hurt me. i hate to see you in pain, it causes me pain. i use to be a cutter and a depressed lonely girl but i somehow got over it & grew out of it. you remind me alot of myself when i was younger and the way i was ruined my childhood. i feel sorry for you for all the pain you are going thorugh but i am very happy and proud that you are getting help and i know you will succeed. i dont want you to cut anymore, everytime you take that knife or razor to your wrist, you make a slit not only in yourself but in my heart =( i love you kassandra lynn schneider!!


When I first met Kassandra online I was struck by her strong spirit. We began to talk about her past and issues she was still facing, then she told me that she cut herself. I had never spoken to anyone before that self harmed and I found it alarming that she would want to hurt herself further. As I got to know more about what she was doing I understood the why of it. I also began to understand the shame associated with it.

"I soon met several of Kassandra's friends that were also cutting themselves and realized that they didn't know any other way to cope with their pain. I also realized that they weren't that different from me and that they shouldn't feel ashamed. I had used self destructive means to cope with my pain, until I faced the pain and healed it. They just needed to learn other ways to deal with their pain. I was very concerned that it would be so easy to accidentally end their life by cutting too much or too deep. Sadly this happens far too often and we need to be more aware that it is happening. If you know someone that is cutting, don't judge them, help them. They just need someone to understand the depth of the pain and help them learn to cope in other ways. They need to feel loved and understand how beautiful they truly are, just like everyone else."

 Kassi's Ex-Boyfriend Gene:

In order to be with someone that wants to hurt themselves, you have to ask why. Life is hard and can make a person lose their minds. To love a cutter means you have to hope that they do not hurt themselves in your company. I love my cutter girlfriend. I think she cuts because she's not happy. She thinks the pain from cutting is a rush but it makes those around them feel another pain. Someone asked me why I love my cutter and it is because I can keep her from hurting herself. So if you ask me, why would you date a cutter? I would reply to love that person and make them see that their pain is your pain.

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